Inflatek Valve 200mm Watercooled top plate P1453MS

One of the notable features of our pneumatic conveying systems is their ability to handle hot materials. We first encountered hot material applications in the foundry industry.  A common application is the handling of hot knock-out sand (the remains of the sand mold after the hot metal has been poured and the casting made) which could reach temperatures of 700-800 degrees F.

The problem with transporting hot material of this nature had always been an effective filling valve that would perform well in these high temperatures.  To address this  need we added to our Dome Valve range a design that could operate at high temperatures without impairment of performance.  Our standard Dome valve operates up to 200 degrees F without any change to its design, and special seals can increase this range to 400 degrees F.  To be able to exceed 400 degree F, we designed our valve to include water cooling up to 660 degrees F.  Today this added capability enables us to address many different and difficult materials handling applications not just within the foundry industry but also in the petrochemical and other industries.


To learn more about how we can assist you to solve your unique material handling problems please contact us.  A link to our survey sheet is attached.

Dome Valve 2013 Brochure