Metals & Foundry

The steel industry includes a wide range of processes that handle sand and silica sand for casting of metals, additives such as coke, and waste products such as EAF dust in baghouses and electrostatic precipitators (ESP) applications.

Our first conveying systems in the US were installed in foundries, highly dusty environments handling abrasive materials. It was a perfect match; our completely enclosed technology conveys abrasive sand and silica sand in very low velocities controlling not just dust, but eliminating pipe wear and creating cost savings through reduced maintenance and energy savings. Today, foundries are our largest group of customers, many of which have continued in operation for years, some 20 plus years with minimal maintenance. The flexibility of our designs makes retrofitting a viable option.

Our capability to convey EAF dust successfully is recognized by the US steel industry, many of which have standardized on using Macawber Ashveyors® in their smelt process. Macawber technology is not hindered by the large bulk densities seen in smelter dusts, and because our systems are dense phase, the abrasive characteristics of the heavy dust do not cause pipe wear.

Our experience includes multiple pick-up point dust handling systems which are applied to dust collectors, baghouses, and electrostatic precipitators as well as carbon injection systems, and injection systems handling lead concentrate.


Examples of Materials Conveyed

  • New and Reclaimed Sand
  • Hot Sand
  • Silica Sand
  • Additives
  • Baghouse Dust
  • Metal Chips
  • Blast Furnace Injection
  • Sinter Dust
  • Baghouse/ESP Dust
  • Carbon injection to EAFs
  • Pebble Lime
  • Copper Concentrate
  • Zinc Concentrate
  • Lead Concentrate
  • Coke
  • Alumina

Other materials conveyed – Learn more how we can assist your metals & foundry conveying requirements.

View the Macawber Ashveyor® and Sandpump®

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