Gypsum is a primary constituent in dry wall building materials and often is processed in plants located near power generation plants, as gypsum is a by-product of flue gas environmental control systems in coal combustion plants. This is the case for our customer located in Tieling City, Liaoning Province, China. The customer selected robust Macawber Denseveyor systems to handle this difficult material. Special considerations were taken into the conveying regime that is specific to moving gypsum, and the experience Macawber has gained through more than 30 years building and supplying custom engineered pneumatic conveying equipment benefitted the customer once again as systems with the right design were successfully supplied.
Download Case Study: Gypsum – Liaoning Prov., China (pdf)
- Material: Gypsum
- Bulk Density: Aerated 900 kg/m3 (56 lb/ft3)
- Size: Fine Grain, 40µm avg.
- Temperature: Up to 140°C (284°F)
- Moisture: None
- Condition: Difficult to convey. Plugs lines easily. Cakes.
- Air consumption efficiency
- Reliable operation with poor material
- Low wear and long machine life
- No line plugging while meeting rate
- Transfer Capacity: 40 Mt/h total
- Conveying Distance: Up to 190m (623 ft.)
- Reception Points: Single silo
- Air Consumption: Total 19.9 Nm3/min (703scfm)
1. Macawber solution selected for reliability in overcoming challenges with conveying a difficult material such as gypsum
2. Air consumption efficiency despite the defensive measures required to overcome difficulty in conveying gypsum
3. Clean operating conditions