Materials List

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Absorbent Clay (Kitty Litter)
Absorbent Clay Dust
Absorbent Clay Grog
Activated Carbon Pellets
Adhesive Resin
Almonds - Roast Chopped Almonds
Almonds - Whole Almonds
Almonds - Whole Raw Almonds
Alumina - Boehmite Alumina
Alumina - Carbon Plant Reacted Alumina
Alumina - Engineered Bubble Alumina
Alumina Catalyst
Alumina Dust
Alumina Hydrate
Alumina Oxide
Alumina Oxide Pellets
Alumina Pellets
Alumina Powder
Alumina Substrate
Aluminia Hydrate
Aluminum Chips
Aluminum Chloride
Aluminum Dross/Slag (Silo Fines)
Aluminum Mix
Aluminum Pellets
Aluminum Sulfate
Amazon Clay
Anhydrous Borax
Anthracite Fines
Armosoft - Softner Base
Ash - Bed Ash
Ash - Boiler Smelter
Ash - Boral Class F Fly Ash
Ash - Bottom Ash
Ash - Dense Soda Ash
Ash - ESP Ash
Ash - ESP Dust
Ash - Fly Ash
Ash - Fly Ash (Type Class F)
Ash - Garbage Incinerator
Ash - Multiclone Fly Ash
Ash - Potash
Ash - Rice Hull Ash
Ash - Seed Ash
Ash - Wood Ash
Atomet - ultra pure steel powder
Baghouse Dust
Baghouse Mix (60% Zircon Sand 40% Petroleum Coke)
Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) - slag
Basic Oxygen Furnaces (BOF) - Guntapite 405
Bee Pollen
Bentonite Clay
Bisphenol (BPA)- Prills
Bisphenol A - Flaked
Bituminous Coal
Black Beauty
Blendex 201 Resin
Bone Marrow Meal
Boric Acid
Boron Nitride (BN)
Bottle Caps
Burnt Dolomite Lime
Calcined Clay
Calcined Kiln Dust
Calcium Aluminate
Calcium Carbonate
Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
Calcium Oxide (CaO)
Calcium Propionate (C6H10CaO4)
Carbon Anode Butts - Crushed
Carbon Black
Carbon Blend
Carbon Granular
Carnallite - Dried
Carnallite Mixture
Cat Food
Cement - Portland Cement
Cement - Saylor's Portland Cement Type I/II
Cement Kiln Dust
Cement-based leveling compound
Ceramic Balls
Cereal - Crisp Rice
Cereal - Extruded Fiber
Cereal - Oat Squares
Cereal - Raisin Bran
Cereal - Rice Krispies
Cereal - Sugar Frosted Flakes
Cereal - Unpuffed Fruit Loops
Cereal - Wheat Flakes
Cereal Base
Cheese Balls
Chocolate Milk Mix
Chopped Fiberglass
Cigarette Filler Tobacco
Citric Acid
Clay - Hydrated Alumina Silican
Coal - Crushed
Coal - Damp Fine Coal
Coal Granulated
Coal Slag - Wet
Coffee - Instant
Coffee Beans
Coffee Grounds
Coke Breeze
Cookie Pieces
Copper Chips
Copper Concentrate
Copper Impregnated Aluminum Oxide Pellets
Copper Matt - Ground
Copper Sulfide
Corn - Corn Grits
Corn - Popping Corn
Corn - Whole Kernel Corn
CPVC Powder
Dewatered Drill Cuttings
Dextrose Mix
Diatomaceous Earth
Dimethyl Therephthalate (DMT) Pellets
Disc Brake Mix
Dog Food
Dough Pre-mix
Elastomer Ingredient - Irganox 565
Expanded Perlite
Feed Mix (80% Zircon Sand 20% Petroleum Coke)
Ferrite Powder
Ferrite Powder - Calcined
Fiberglass - Ground
Fish Food Pellets
Flexible Vinyl Powder
Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Catalyst
Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Dust
Fluid Cracking Catalyst
Flux Material
Frit - Dry
Frit - Wet
Fullers Earth (200 mesh)
Fused Silica
Glass - Batch
Glass - Beads
Glass - Blended Glass Batch
Glass - Broken Glass Tubes
Glass - Crushed
Glass - Cullet
Glass - Damp mixed Batch with Cullet
Glass - Fiber
Glass - Fine Glass Batch
Glass - Ground Glass (<180 Micron)
Glass - Ground Glass (425 to 180 Micron)
Glass - Ground Glass (850 Micron)
Glass - Ground Porcelain Enamel Glass
Glass - Milled Glass Frits
Glass - Wet Fiberglass Scrap
Gold Ore - Coarse
Gold Ore - Fines
High Iron Magnesite
Hog Dust
Hollow Ceramic Spheres
Hydrated Lime
Hydrated Lime Fume
Hydrated Sodium Carbonate
Hydro Carbon Flakes
Industrene Stearic Acid
Inosine Monophosphate (IMP) Additive
Iron - Atomized Powder
Iron Ore
Iron Ore Fines
Iron Oxide
Iron Powder
Iron Waste
Kaolin Clay
Kaolin Clay - Calcined
Kaolin Clay - Calcined
Kaolin Clay - Pellets
Kaolin Clay - Spray Dried
Kaolin Clay - Sprayed Dried
Kiln Dust
Koch Lime
Ladle Additives
Lawn Fertilizer - High K
Lignin Powder
Lignite Coal Dust
Lime Flux
Limestone - Crushed
Limestone Filler
Magnapore Catalyst
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2)
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) - Prills
Magnesium Oxide (MnO2)
Magnesium Silicate
Manganese Dioxide
Marshmellows - Dehydrated
Metalic Dust
Metallurgical Coke
Mica Dust
Mineral Filled PBT
Muffin Mix
Munusil 5 (Silica)
MZ - 80/140 Minderal Powder
Native Starch
Oats - Instant
Paper & Rags - Shredded
Paraformaldahyde Prills
Peanut Butter Centers
Peanuts - Caramel Coated Peanuts
Peanuts - Defatted
Peanuts - Peanut Halves
Peanuts - Raw
Peanuts - Roasted Peanut Fines
Peanuts - Roasted Peanut Granules
Peanuts - Roasted Peanuts
Peanuts - Roasted Split Peanuts
Peanuts - Split Blanched Peanuts
Peanuts - Unshelled Roasted
Pebble Lime
Petroleum Coke
Petroleum Coke - Calcined
Petroleum Coke - Fines
Phenolic Resin Fines
Phenolic Resin Pellets
Phosphate Ore - Ground
Pie Crust Mix
Plastic Ester Powder
Pliovic Resin
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) - Resin
Polyester Powder
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - Clusters
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - Film
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - Pellets
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - Wax
Polypropylene (PP) - flakes
Polypropylene (PP) - Powder
Polyterpene Resin Pastiles
Potassium Nitrate
Powdered Creamer
Protein Encapsulated Fat
PVC Powder
Raw Peanuts
Resinall Resin
Rice - Blown Rice
Rice Batch
Rice Bran
Rice Hulls - Ground
Rice Hulls - Unground
Rock Dust
Rolled Oats
Roofing Granules
Rutile Ore
Salt - Rock Pretzel Salt
Salt - Top Flake Topping Salt
Salt - Unscreened A77
Sand - Blasting Sand
Sand - Fine Ground Silica (Munusil 5)
Sand - Knockout Sand
Sand - Lake Sand
Sand - Quartz Sand
Sand - Resin Coated Sand
Sand - Sand/Rock/Gravel Mix
Sand - Sand/Soda Ash Mix
Sand - Silica Sand
Sand - Type C1
Sand - Zircon Sand "B"
Sand - Zircon Sand "C"
Sand - Zircon Sand 140
Sand Spar
Sanding Dust
Saw Dust
Seasoning Tea
Sesame Seeds - Ground
Sesame Seeds - Roasted
Shale Aggregate
Shot Dust
Silica Flour - Type C200
Silica Flux
Silica Gel - Catalyst
Silica Gel - Type MPV
Silica Gel - Type UHPV
Silica Pebbles - Type B43
Silicate Catalyst CS-2040
Silicate Catalyst MS-3040
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
Sintered Kaolin Clay Pellets
Slag Ore
Slag Titanium Dioxide Ore
Smelter Dust - Fine
Snowhite 350
Snowhite 75
Soda Ash
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium Carbonate
Sodium Chlorate
Sodium Saccharin
Sodium Sequicarbonate
Sorelslag Fines
Soy Nuggets
Spice Blend
Sponge Iron Powder
Steel Dust
Strontium Ferrite
Sugar - Fine Granulated
Sugar - White Granulated Sugar
Sugar Beet - Dried Pellets
Sulfate of Potash Mixture
Sulfate Potassium
Sulfuric Acid Catalyst
Sunflower Seeds - Roasted
Sunflower Seeds - Unshelled
Tabanol 5
Talc, Pelletized
Tea - Loose
Tinuvin 328
Titaniferrous Ore
Titanium Dioxide - Calcined
Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)
Titanium Dioxide Bearing Slag
Titanium Ore Briquettes
Tobacco Dust (Class 1 Unground)
Tobacco Dust (Class 2)
Tobacco Dust (Class 3 - 50M)
Tobacco Dust (Class 8 Fine Grade)
Tobacco Dust (Class 8 Ungrind)
Todd Light Ball Clay
Toner Pellets
TSP Anhydrous
TSP Crystals
Turf Builder Lawn Fertilizer
Ultranox Crystals
Ultrox 2000W
Ultrox Opacifier
Unfilled Combo Prezels
Uralac Resin
Variolac 960 (V96) Lactose Powder
Vermiculite Grade 4
Vermiculite Grade 5
Waste - Shredded Air Filters
WHEY Powder
Whole Raw Peanuts
WL Pet Food Coating
Wood Fines
Wood Flour
Wood Pellets
Wood Pulp
ZeoDent 119
ZeoDent 165
Zeolite Injection Trials
Zinc Calcine
Zinc Dust
Zinc Powder