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Materials |
Absorbent Clay (Kitty Litter) |
Absorbent Clay Dust |
Absorbent Clay Grog |
Activated Carbon Pellets |
Adhesive Resin |
Almonds |
Almonds - Roast Chopped Almonds |
Almonds - Whole Almonds |
Almonds - Whole Raw Almonds |
Alumina |
Alumina - Boehmite Alumina |
Alumina - Carbon Plant Reacted Alumina |
Alumina - Engineered Bubble Alumina |
Alumina Catalyst |
Alumina Dust |
Alumina Hydrate |
Alumina Oxide |
Alumina Oxide Pellets |
Alumina Pellets |
Alumina Powder |
Alumina Substrate |
Aluminia Hydrate |
Aluminum Chips |
Aluminum Chloride |
Aluminum Dross/Slag (Silo Fines) |
Aluminum Mix |
Aluminum Pellets |
Aluminum Sulfate |
Amazon Clay |
Anhydrous Borax |
Anthracite Fines |
Armosoft - Softner Base |
Ash - Bed Ash |
Ash - Boiler Smelter |
Ash - Boral Class F Fly Ash |
Ash - Bottom Ash |
Ash - Dense Soda Ash |
Ash - ESP Ash |
Ash - ESP Dust |
Ash - Fly Ash |
Ash - Fly Ash (Type Class F) |
Ash - Garbage Incinerator |
Ash - Multiclone Fly Ash |
Ash - Potash |
Ash - Rice Hull Ash |
Ash - Seed Ash |
Ash - Wood Ash |
Atomet - ultra pure steel powder |
Baghouse Dust |
Baghouse Mix (60% Zircon Sand 40% Petroleum Coke) |
Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) - slag |
Basic Oxygen Furnaces (BOF) - Guntapite 405 |
Bauxite |
Bee Pollen |
Bentonite Clay |
Bisphenol (BPA)- Prills |
Bisphenol A - Flaked |
Bituminous Coal |
Black Beauty |
Blendex 201 Resin |
Bone Marrow Meal |
Borax |
Boric Acid |
Boron Nitride (BN) |
Bottle Caps |
Burnt Dolomite Lime |
Calcined Clay |
Calcined Kiln Dust |
Calcium Aluminate |
Calcium Carbonate |
Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) |
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) |
Calcium Oxide (CaO) |
Calcium Propionate (C6H10CaO4) |
Carbon Anode Butts - Crushed |
Carbon Black |
Carbon Blend |
Carbon Granular |
Carnallite - Dried |
Carnallite Mixture |
Cat Food |
Cellulose |
Cement |
Cement - Portland Cement |
Cement - Saylor's Portland Cement Type I/II |
Cement Kiln Dust |
Cement-based leveling compound |
Ceramic Balls |
Cereal - Crisp Rice |
Cereal - Extruded Fiber |
Cereal - Oat Squares |
Cereal - Raisin Bran |
Cereal - Rice Krispies |
Cereal - Sugar Frosted Flakes |
Cereal - Unpuffed Fruit Loops |
Cereal - Wheat Flakes |
Cereal Base |
Cheese Balls |
Chocolate Milk Mix |
Chopped Fiberglass |
Cigarette Filler Tobacco |
Citric Acid |
Clay |
Clay - Hydrated Alumina Silican |
Coal |
Coal - Crushed |
Coal - Damp Fine Coal |
Coal Granulated |
Coal Slag - Wet |
Coffee - Instant |
Coffee Beans |
Coffee Grounds |
Coke |
Coke Breeze |
Cookie Pieces |
Copper Chips |
Copper Concentrate |
Copper Impregnated Aluminum Oxide Pellets |
Copper Matt - Ground |
Copper Sulfide |
Corn - Corn Grits |
Corn - Popping Corn |
Corn - Whole Kernel Corn |
CPVC Powder |
Dewatered Drill Cuttings |
Dextrose Mix |
Diatomaceous Earth |
Dimethyl Therephthalate (DMT) Pellets |
Disc Brake Mix |
Dog Food |
Dough Pre-mix |
Elastomer Ingredient - Irganox 565 |
Expanded Perlite |
Feed Mix (80% Zircon Sand 20% Petroleum Coke) |
Feldspar |
Ferrite Powder |
Ferrite Powder - Calcined |
Ferrosilicon |
Fiberglass - Ground |
Fish Food Pellets |
Flexible Vinyl Powder |
Flourspar |
Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Catalyst |
Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Dust |
Fluid Cracking Catalyst |
Flux Material |
Frit - Dry |
Frit - Wet |
Fullers Earth (200 mesh) |
Fused Silica |
Glass |
Glass - Batch |
Glass - Beads |
Glass - Blended Glass Batch |
Glass - Broken Glass Tubes |
Glass - Crushed |
Glass - Cullet |
Glass - Damp mixed Batch with Cullet |
Glass - Fiber |
Glass - Fine Glass Batch |
Glass - Ground Glass (<180 Micron) |
Glass - Ground Glass (425 to 180 Micron) |
Glass - Ground Glass (850 Micron) |
Glass - Ground Porcelain Enamel Glass |
Glass - Milled Glass Frits |
Glass - Wet Fiberglass Scrap |
Gold Ore - Coarse |
Gold Ore - Fines |
Granola |
Gravel |
Gypsum |
High Iron Magnesite |
Hog Dust |
Hollow Ceramic Spheres |
Hydrated Lime |
Hydrated Lime Fume |
Hydrated Sodium Carbonate |
Hydro Carbon Flakes |
Industrene Stearic Acid |
Inosine Monophosphate (IMP) Additive |
Iron - Atomized Powder |
Iron Ore |
Iron Ore Fines |
Iron Oxide |
Iron Powder |
Iron Waste |
Kaolin Clay |
Kaolin Clay - Calcined |
Kaolin Clay - Calcined |
Kaolin Clay - Pellets |
Kaolin Clay - Spray Dried |
Kaolin Clay - Sprayed Dried |
Kiln Dust |
Koch Lime |
Ladle Additives |
Lawn Fertilizer - High K |
Lignin Powder |
Lignite |
Lignite Coal Dust |
Lime |
Lime Flux |
Limestone |
Limestone - Crushed |
Limestone Filler |
Lysine |
Magnapore Catalyst |
Magnesite |
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) |
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) - Prills |
Magnesium Oxide (MnO2) |
Magnesium Silicate |
Maltodextrin |
Manganese Dioxide |
Marshmellows - Dehydrated |
Masterblend |
Metalic Dust |
Metallurgical Coke |
Mica Dust |
Mineral Filled PBT |
Muffin Mix |
Munusil 5 (Silica) |
MZ - 80/140 Minderal Powder |
Native Starch |
Oats - Instant |
Paper & Rags - Shredded |
Paraformaldahyde Prills |
Peanut Butter Centers |
Peanuts |
Peanuts - Caramel Coated Peanuts |
Peanuts - Defatted |
Peanuts - Peanut Halves |
Peanuts - Raw |
Peanuts - Roasted Peanut Fines |
Peanuts - Roasted Peanut Granules |
Peanuts - Roasted Peanuts |
Peanuts - Roasted Split Peanuts |
Peanuts - Split Blanched Peanuts |
Peanuts - Unshelled Roasted |
Pebble Lime |
Pesticide |
Petroleum Coke |
Petroleum Coke - Calcined |
Petroleum Coke - Fines |
Phenolic Resin Fines |
Phenolic Resin Pellets |
Phosphate Ore - Ground |
Pie Crust Mix |
Plastic Ester Powder |
Pliovic Resin |
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) - Resin |
Polyester Powder |
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - Clusters |
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - Film |
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - Pellets |
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - Wax |
Polypropylene (PP) - flakes |
Polypropylene (PP) - Powder |
Polyterpene Resin Pastiles |
Potassium Nitrate |
Powdered Creamer |
Pretzels |
Protein Encapsulated Fat |
PVC Mix |
PVC Powder |
Pyrites |
Quicklime |
Raisins |
Raw Peanuts |
Resinall Resin |
Rice |
Rice - Blown Rice |
Rice Batch |
Rice Bran |
Rice Hulls - Ground |
Rice Hulls - Unground |
Rock Dust |
Rolled Oats |
Roofing Granules |
Rutile Ore |
Salt |
Salt - Rock Pretzel Salt |
Salt - Top Flake Topping Salt |
Salt - Unscreened A77 |
Sand |
Sand - Blasting Sand |
Sand - Fine Ground Silica (Munusil 5) |
Sand - Knockout Sand |
Sand - Lake Sand |
Sand - Quartz Sand |
Sand - Resin Coated Sand |
Sand - Sand/Rock/Gravel Mix |
Sand - Sand/Soda Ash Mix |
Sand - Silica Sand |
Sand - Type C1 |
Sand - Zircon Sand "B" |
Sand - Zircon Sand "C" |
Sand - Zircon Sand 140 |
Sand Spar |
Sanding Dust |
Saw Dust |
Seasoning Tea |
Sesame Seeds - Ground |
Sesame Seeds - Roasted |
Shale Aggregate |
Shot Dust |
Silica |
Silica Flour - Type C200 |
Silica Flux |
Silica Gel - Catalyst |
Silica Gel - Type MPV |
Silica Gel - Type UHPV |
Silica Pebbles - Type B43 |
Silicate Catalyst CS-2040 |
Silicate Catalyst MS-3040 |
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) |
Sintered Kaolin Clay Pellets |
Slag Ore |
Slag Titanium Dioxide Ore |
Smelter Dust - Fine |
Snowhite 350 |
Snowhite 75 |
Soda Ash |
Sodium Bicarbonate |
Sodium Carbonate |
Sodium Chlorate |
Sodium Saccharin |
Sodium Sequicarbonate |
Sorbead |
Sorelslag Fines |
Soy Nuggets |
Spackel |
Spice Blend |
Sponge Iron Powder |
Steel Dust |
Strontium Ferrite |
Stucco |
Sugar |
Sugar - Fine Granulated |
Sugar - White Granulated Sugar |
Sugar Beet - Dried Pellets |
Sulfate of Potash Mixture |
Sulfate Potassium |
Sulfuric Acid Catalyst |
Sunflower Seeds - Roasted |
Sunflower Seeds - Unshelled |
Tabanol 5 |
Talc |
Talc, Pelletized |
Tea - Loose |
Tinuvin 328 |
Titaniferrous Ore |
Titanium Dioxide - Calcined |
Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) |
Titanium Dioxide Bearing Slag |
Titanium Ore Briquettes |
Tobacco Dust (Class 1 Unground) |
Tobacco Dust (Class 2) |
Tobacco Dust (Class 3 - 50M) |
Tobacco Dust (Class 8 Fine Grade) |
Tobacco Dust (Class 8 Ungrind) |
Todd Light Ball Clay |
Toner Pellets |
Trona |
TSP Anhydrous |
TSP Crystals |
Turf Builder Lawn Fertilizer |
Ulexite |
Ultranox Crystals |
Ultrox 2000W |
Ultrox Opacifier |
Unfilled Combo Prezels |
Uralac Resin |
Variolac 960 (V96) Lactose Powder |
Vermiculite Grade 4 |
Vermiculite Grade 5 |
VitraSlag |
Waste - Shredded Air Filters |
WHEY Powder |
Whole Raw Peanuts |
WL Pet Food Coating |
Wood Fines |
Wood Flour |
Wood Pellets |
Wood Pulp |
ZeoDent 119 |
ZeoDent 165 |
Zeolite Injection Trials |
Zinc Calcine |
Zinc Dust |
Zinc Powder |